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Donald Sterling. Michael Sam. Clay Aiken.

People in the news:

1. Donald Sterling.  It is unAmerican to force an 80 year old man from his business for having a conversation with his 30 year old girlfriend where he voices less than appropriate views on with whom she spends her time.  Frankly, it is a relationship matter and none of my business.  I don't care.  There are people out there with views you won't agree with in life.  So don't patronize their business.  Don't work for them.  Don't be their friend.  But to strip a person of a business because of things that are said.  Not cool.  I am sure we have all had conversations in private where we would be mortified if the content were ever aired on TMZ.  Also, if you think that chick (Donald Sterling's girlfriend)  doesn't have a reality show in the next two months you are kidding yourself.

2. Michael Sam.  I am highly amused at how small minded people can be around a person being gay.  Maybe he will be a great football player, probably not.  Seems like a nice enough guy from the interviews I have seen.  Haven 't heard of any run-ins with the law.  I would rather have a Michael Sam on my favorite team than say....oh, Aaron Hernandez.  I think a littler perspective is needed here.  It is a big deal if we make it a big deal.  If you don't like the coverage: change the channel.

3. Jameis Winston.  Dude, come on.  You won the Heisman and you are stealing crab legs?  Kid, needs a strong authority figure in his life.

4. Clay Aiken.  What qualifies him to be a Congressman?  I'm curious.  If he is voted in it goes to show that we really have lost all faith in government and we should all give up.  Just start over.

5. Aaron Hernandez.  Charged in killing two more people.  I cheered for this guy who was playing professional football and was a killer on the loose.  Do you think he lost any sleep?  Why be so angry when you have millions of dollars, adoring fans, a loving fiance, and a child?  Makes you realize some people might just be born that way.  (please refer to person in the news #2)  Makes you shake your head.

6. Casey Kasem.  Don't let old people wander.  Especially to other states.

7. Joran van der Sloot.  Dude got married in prison.  What is wrong with the woman who married the convicted woman killer with a whole lot of suspicion that he has done this before?  She probably needed an extra hug or two from her dad.

8. Barbara Walters.  She announced it was time to retire.  Thank God.  She was making a fool of herself in recent times.  Sometimes you need to know when to drop the mic.

9. Lebron James.  Just play basketball.  You aren't an NBA team owner (yet).  Play the game.


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