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Oprah, Arby's, Do Not Disturb

Life has been relatively amazing the last few months.  I decided to take some time off to travel, visit with friends & family, and to write/work on some creative projects/focus on the next career move. 

A few thoughts:

1. When I am driving down the highway and I haven't seen an Arby's for a hundred miles.  I will say to myself, "Where the fuck is the Arby's?"  That said, I visited an Arby's that was OUT OF ROAST BEEF.  It was the low point of the last 4 months. 

2. The movie "The Big Short" is listed under the "Comedy" section on Netflix.  
Can we all agree that is a sick joke of some sort?  Yes, the movie has a few zingers in it, but a movie about millions of people going broke and losing their homes is not what I would consider "funny".  

3. I'm not saying I want Oprah to run for president, but I certainly wouldn't bet against her.  Her ability to connect is what Hillary lacked.  
Oprah is great and all, but I don't understand why people treat her like she is a living god.  Maybe if I had gotten one of those free cars, but I didn't.  So she's just Oprah.  

4. Can I just watch football? Or sports in general for that matter.  I am very tired of knowing every detail of every person who plays the a game.  I am not asking them to babysit.  

5. Do you think religion is a product of where you are born, your family, or what you believe to be true?  

6. Submitted a short story to a journal for the first time in a minute.  Nothing crazy, but it has felt good to produce content in the last few months. 

7. Bitcoin is either going to be the next Apple stock or a whole lot of people are going to wonder where the fuck their money went.  Read a story today about people who have "lost" their Bitcoin.  Hmmmmm......I'll stick with the bank and a shoebox buried in the backyard. 

8. I am embarking on project NB205x
Here is the premise.  My ideal body weight as recommend by me is 195-205 pounds.  It is where I look and feel the best.  We went a smidge over that in the last year.  No big deal.  But I have decided that once I get down to 205 I am going to make a rule.  No beer/booze (NB) if I go over 205 pounds.  It isn't as much about the drinking as it is the empty calories.  Also, I enjoy a nice glass of cabernet or a Guinness from time to time.  Incentive based weight control.  

9.  I have decided to run another half marathon.  Location and date TBD.  Though I think I am done with the full marathon.  Never say never, but that doesn't appeal to me (or my IT Band) that way it once did.   

10. I still don't get the idea of lying to kids about Santa.  Boggles my mind.  Santa should only be someone who gets blamed for bad gifts and chimney fires. 

11. Disney took down "Do Not Disturb" signs from some hotels. Like we have any privacy in this world these days anyhow, this is just the next step in people knowing every thing you do all the time.  
Good thing we have phones so that anyone can record anything they please and post it on the internet for everyone to see at any time.  That's sure working out well for us. 


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