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We Have All Lost Our Minds

I was having a conversation last night where the words, "Each day is worse than the last" were spoken.  I'm not sure that I'm there quite yet, but whoa.... we are at an 11 and need to get down to maybe a 4.  I am friends with people from a whole lot of walks of life.  Some incredibly liberal and others incredibly conservative.  There is one underlying theme that I can see in both sides.  They absolutely, 100%, without question, think the other side is wrong and they are right.  It is tough to watch what is happening to this country.  Nevermind the fact that we are living in this turmoil daily.

I would ask my conservative friends - was life so bad under Obama?  Do you genuinely feel that he was trying to hurt you and your family?  I really don't.  You may disagree with his policies, but the entire idea of wanting to end two wars, keeping the economy upright, not wanting our planet to melt, and getting people healthcare isn't exactly a reason to hate the guy. From there - do you really believe everything Trump says?  Can you not see that he is a narcissist who cares only for himself.  Can you not see that he isn't really a Republican, but the Trump brand?  If you thought Bill Clinton was inappropriate with his sex life and now you are giving Trump a pass - what's up with that?

I would ask my liberal friends - are you willing to attack anything Trump does, no matter what?  I'm watching the Kavanaugh fallout and I don't even know where to go with it.  Is it fair that a man should be considered guilty of a crime because one woman said something 36 years after the fact without substantial evidence?  I'm not saying Dr. Ford isn't to be believed, but I do think that if you are going to launch a claim of such a heavy magnitude there needs to be more than a single account.  There have been other high-profile accusations (Rolling Stone's UVA story and Duke lacrosse) that have ruined lives and I think it is important to take into account that there is more than one side to a story.  Just because you don't like Trump's appointment to the Supreme Court doesn't mean this guy committed the crime he has been accused of and to convict him solely on her testimony isn't right.   (That said, nor is it in any way, shape, or form appropriate for the President of the United States to openly mock Dr. Ford at a rally)

COMPETE SIDENOTE - Since when the fuck did we start having huge rallies like that?  I get campaign stops and all, but this is a sitting president and we are more than two years away from the next election.  All I can tell is that he shouts about how great he is, how we are winning, and makes disparaging comments about Democrats.  I feel like the leader of the free world has other things to do with his time. (And for my conservatives reading this - imagine for one moment that Obama was doing this and how you would react)

A few other things -

Calling for your political opponent to be "Locked up" has more of a despotic tone to it than a "Land of the free" sort of vibe I think we should aim for.

If you wear a shirt that insinuates that you would prefer a Russian be in office than a member of your rival political party - maybe you need to pick up a history book.  Or any book.  Ever written.  Start with Thomas the Train and work your way up.

If you carry a sign at a march that reads, "Protesting is the new brunch." You may not quite understand what you are doing with your Sunday morning.

If you are unwilling to understand that we aren't Republicans and Democrats, that we are Americans and we are all in this together - you've missed the point of this whole democratic experiment we call the United States.

You may love Donald Trump.  You may hate the guy.  What I will say is that I cannot tolerate how he has actively divided this country.  Pitting sides against one another instead of working together for a common good. 

Most of us want the ability to see a doctor.  Fair taxes.  For children to have the best education in the world and be safe at school.  A strong, sensible military.  And a fair shot at the American Dream (whatever the hell that is these days).

I hope we can start there.


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