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Working title for my sitcom - Andrew

Some notes:

1. Aaron Hernandez is an idiot.  I don't care if he murdered anyone or not at this point.  He is so dumb that he should be in prison for the rest of his life to protect the rest of society.  You have a fiance and an infant child at home and you are running around with a bunch of idiots while possessing a firearm.  Real fucking bright.
Why any of these guys have guns on them is beyond me.  You have enough money where you can probably afford a nice home in a safe area and afford to go places where you will most likely not have to "pop a cap".
Isn't the point of making it big so that you don't have to live a gang related lifestyle?

2. Work is good.  Hit our goal for the month.  Which means.........dollar.........dollar bill ya'll.  OK, it isn't that much money, but a nice little bump in pay is always nice.

3. Fuck me with this weather.  I'm trying to go to the beach and I just haven't had a good day to do so.  I'm like Casper over here.

4. The whole "going to the gym" thing is going well.  Try to get my swole on.  I know that spelling is incorrect, but that is how us meatheads spell it.  Also, I workout far more efficiently than I used to.  40 minutes tops.

5. I need to write a sitcom titled Andrew.  It would be the anti-Girls.

6. I follow Lena Dunham on Twitter.  It feels good to admit that.  I can now move on.

7. I always miss one spot when I shave my head.  No matter what.

8. My roommates and I have a maid come in once a month.  I personally could do without it, but whatever.

9.  I love living in Astoria.  This place is beyond awesome.  Why in the hell would anyone live in Brooklyn?

10. I had a girl write me an e-mail saying she was sorry for how badly she treated me when we dated.  I was looking at the screen of my computer thinking.......Now this is a first AND Come to think of it she was sort of an asshole.  I replied that all would be forgiven if she read my book.  I highly doubt she did.  Because as was mentioned previously, she is probably still an asshole.  Just an apologetic one.

11.  I finished up a short story about adultery, coming out of the closet, the holidays, prostitution, and alcoholism.  I think I nailed it.


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