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Dr. Odgers, Weight Watchers, North Korean Olympians

A few things happened today:

I had my first interview where I had to leave a message for an employer.  Not a video.  Just straight up voicemail.  I get it, they want to ensure that I can communicate in a form other than cover letter.  It just felt like I left the single longest voicemail in the history of non-butt dialed voice mails. 

My little sister today explained to me how Weight Watchers works.  She went into detail on the points system.  So that was really something.  

For the last two days I have been bread and pasta free.  Not carb free.  Just bread and pasta.  I figure if I am not going to drink beer I may as well cut out the other fun stuff.  Though with all of the "low carb flu" articles I am reading there will be a steady dose of rice, fruits, and vegetables.  Low carb flu sounds like the nastiest flu of all.  A pretentious flu.  

I was thinking about it.  Typically I take January as my "healthy" month.  It has nothing to do with a resolution and everything to do with the amount of sugar, fat, and alcohol that is everywhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I feel like my cup is overflowing by January 1st and it isn't like I am depriving myself of anything it is more that I don't want to keep stuffing sugar cookies in an already overpopulated stomach.  Sugar cookies are fighting for real estate with a pork roast and I'm sure it is getting real.  

Does it surprise anyone that figure skating is the only event the North Koreans will be participating in the Olympics?  I'm not one to root for NK, but I don't want to see what happens to them if they don't bring home the gold for their PetSmart groomed leader. 

Danica Patrick and Aaron Rodgers.  Or as I call them Dr. Odgers.  Yeah, that'll last...

I am going to miss Miami when I leave.  This weather is fantastic. I went for a run today (this is before I was told that Weight Watchers might be a good idea) in shorts and a tank top.  Glorious. 


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