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I Reach The Summit of Douglas Mountain

Now that I have caught my breath from my "moderate to advanced" (according to the trail finder website) hike of Douglas Mountain,  I have some thoughts.

1. I probably should have worn orange.
2. I heard a whole lot of gun shots.  My favorite was the six gun shots in a row.  Didn't get Bambi the first time there did ya?
3. Didn't know I had so many places in my ankle that could become sore.
4. I accidentally wandered on to some person's property.  It was creepy.  This home in the middle of the woods.  There was an outhouse.  And probably someone in the basement who didn't want to be there.  Just a guess.
5. Everyone has a dog who hikes in Maine.  Only one of them tried to bite me, so that's cool.  Though I would take the dog bite over a stray bullet that didn't get Bambi the first time.
6. Even the dogs wore orange.
7. I brought a Pumpkin beer to drink at the top of the mountain, does that count?
8 There were kids at the top of the mountain, I was unable to drink my beer as not to be the degenerate who ruins family fun day.
9. A very small chipmunk scared the shit out of me as I was walking down the mountain.  I think I was scared that it might be a deer exacting revenge on a hunter or a hunter sneaking up on me because he thought my Red Sox hoodie was a set of deer eyes.
10. The walk was peaceful.......until I caught up to a group of middle aged women who were in the midst of a heated exchange about which office worker each of them wanted to (insert graphic term that I was not intending to hear while on my nature walk).  I hurried to get by them but their voices carried.  Then they were tailgating when they got back to the parking lot.  Props ladies.
11.  The top of the mountain had a spectacular view.  Here is me, top of the mountain, selfie style.  Yes, the sun is in my eyes, but I powered through.  What, sunglasses are a good idea?


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