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North Korea is the Weird Kid in Grade School

I was reading today that an American citizen was sentenced to 15 years hard labor (whatever the fuck that means) by the North Korean Supreme Court for plotting to overthrow the government.  He was caught taking a picture of orphans living in the streets.

So here is my take on North Korea:

North Korea (as a nation state, not its people) is like that weird kid you knew back in grade school.  Didn't shower much.  Wore glasses with smudges on them. Always a bit off, but you didn't pay any attention to him because he was scrawny and it made no difference to you.  You simply avoided him and his little world of video games or board games or whatever it is that weirdo ten year old boys do.

But he gets older.  In middle school he starts kicking dogs, playing with fire, and you suspect he smokes.   It isn't that he is the first kid to do this, but you know how it has ended up.  Everyone avoids him and leaves him to his devices.  Violent video games and a whole lot of Mountain Dew occupy the majority of his time.

High school is different.  The assumed abuses he has endured his whole life start to mount.  Still stick thin he realizes the others are still larger than him.  They would still thrash him in a one on one confrontation.  He begins looking for other ways to hurt you.  He goes online and thinks he can build bombs.  He looks for a way to purchase a gun.  He'll get everyone eventually.  He is a victim in his own mind.  He will have his revenge.

Only a matter of time before he finds some matter how trivial to enact revenge.  Maybe it will be thwarted by police.  Maybe it will result in a terrible massacre.  We don't know.  But what we do know is that the signs are there.  We can prevent this, but how?

Kim Jong Un is about my age.  He has never lived among his people.  He only knows of a rhetoric that was been preached to him by a deranged father since birth.  There are times when this type of person cannot be reasoned with.  And maybe we need to nip this in the bud because as with most of these school shootings if any aggression toward the United States takes place he will end up dead.  I'm not sure if he understands that.  Maybe someone should tell him.


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