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Showing posts from 2015
Field of Dreams is the best sports movie.  In my humble opinion. Nothing makes me happier than to see my little sister smile.   She is a cool little kid. Donald Trump is not America.  He is the 1% who has no clue what it means to struggle. I am trying to write every night. This is what I wrote. I am failing as a writer.  And I know it.

I Stopped Writing

Pete Rose makes me sad. Teachers need to realize how much their pensions cost.  Work for 30 years. Get paid for 60.  When these pension contracts were originally written life expectancy was 20 years less.  Adapt. Teachers should be paid more. Have a 401K.  No pensions. Enjoy your summers off. Rob Gronkowski is a beast with human knees. I don't want to share my FB profile with co-workers.  I yearn for the times where FB wasn't the way you got to "know" people. The Gaslight Anthem went on hiatus.  Fuck. Brian Fallon's new single doesn't suck. I haven't been sleeping well.  But you don't care.  Nor should you. The first half of the 10th episode of The Affair made me think.  A LOT. My next book needs to be ME.  I need to embrace that. My high school German teacher once said.  If at the end of your life you could count your good friends on one hand you are lucky.  Not until I got older did I realize how right he was. Always Sunny In Phil

National Running Day

I haven't been running much as of late.  The cause: plantar facsilitis.  It isn't that I can't run, it is that I can't run pain free.  Thus I have relegated myself to riding the stationary bike and lifting (which is starting to get a tad redundant.  Also, with the lack of running in my life I am noticing my weight slowly creep up on me.  I'm not about to be asked to star as Fat Albert, but I think I would be up for the "Husky best friend" role in a movie. That said, I have been doing exercises, foam rolling, wearing a ridiculous sock to bed at night that stretches my foot (Called the Strasburg Sock), and I even went to PT to get this figured out.  Anyhow, today is National Running Day and all over my social media channels there is a barrage of "run this and run there and run the world" posts.  Not that I was motivated by this, but I is that day (much like that commercial where people of all ages, races, and genders s

Funeral Strippers - I don't get it

I try to keep up on different current events as best I can.  And....well.....there is a trend that I'm seeing over in China that is interesting. Funeral strippers. What better way to memorialize a man's memory?  Have a couple of half naked women dancing on his casket.  While you are at it, why not put out a nice buffet spread.  Perhaps a Tuesday night lobster and steak special.  Make sure there are a overpriced, watered down drinks being served.  Have an overgrown monster with a slicked back ponytail working the door.  Have a VIP mourning room with champagne bottles popping.  Cover the mourners in glitter.  Make everyone leaving the place feel dirty and covered with a film of shame.  I suppose that is one way to assuage the grief.  Make people feel bad about themselves for watching some girl dance who got a couple too few hugs from dad. I'm having a tough time imagining why the widow of some guy having a mindset of "He really was sort of a creep.  Let's send

Random Thoughts

I have a lot of very random thoughts.  So here goes: 1. I will donate all of the money I don't have if Donald Trump runs for President of this country.  I follow him on Twitter and he is the most self absorbed human being out there.  Hey, it works for him.  But to hear him call every opponent a "loser" over and over again would be great.  The comedy in his running (and I'm not saying he doesn't have a shot.  He could do well) would be priceless.  I could see him running on the idea of offending every other country and outlawing Rosie O'Donnell.  I believe he called her a "pig".  He also referred to Mitt Romney (the guy who hasn't filed for bankruptcy on four occasions) a "small business owner".  This guy is an American treasure and I can't think of a better way for us to regain the respect of the rest of the world than by insulting their intelligence and trying to screw them over. TRUMP 2016!!!!!! 2. I bought a ticket to see t

How Do You Lose Your Job At a Running Store? Let Me Tell You....

How do you lose your job at a running store?  Let me tell you how - it gets bought by a bigger running company.   Part of me wishes there were some epic story I could tell, but sadly no, I got laid off in the calmest and most professional of fashions. I found out that I lost my job a week ago and in that week I am near certain I have run the table of emotions. Relief - because I have known something was up at work for a  few months now and I am glad to know where I stand. Anxiety - What's next? Confusion - geez, didn't think I would be applying for unemployment benefits.  How does ObamaCare work again? Frustration - I truly liked where I worked (most days) and I was excited to be part of the company's future. Mostly I feel this sense of being marginalized.  Being told that you are not needed is unsettling.  That's been the toughest portion of this process.  Seeing a business moving on without me.  And I get the business portion.  Their company already ha

Luminosity Says I'm Stupid

I took one of those Luminosity quizzes.  One of those brain training games.  The first step (before signing up) is to take a couple of tests to establish your baseline mental capacity.  I am approaching my mid-thrity's and I'm thinking the old brain could use some challenging.  My day to day job leads me to be creative and interact with incredible people, but getting out of that comfort zone couldn't hurt. So I take the tests.  They seem fun enough. Deciphering patterns, directing trains to their stations in a maze of tracks, adding up numbers floating in the air....seemed like different tasks my brain doesn't tackle on a daily basis. The test is completed and I submit my brain is more productive than 3% of others who have taken the test.  THREE percent.  THREE.  Bottom three percent.  As in 97% of people who took that test are more intelligent than I.  I am shocked that I am able to type the results were so low.  How can I possibly get my coffee