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Showing posts from August, 2014

Stop Complaining About the Ice Bucket Challenge and the Weather

This has been the best summer in the history of summer weather.  It has damn near been like a summer in Maine here in the metropolis of NYC.  And here is the funny thing.  People are complaining.  It seems like given the opportunity people will complain about nearly anything.  I mean that.  Beautiful weather and people are talking like it is the end of the world - WINTER IS COMING to borrow a line from the ever sunny Game of Thrones.  It is sort of like this ice bucket challenge for ALS.  People are actually complaining about it.  I find this nearly unfathomable.  And I could be one of the more critical people I know in terms of expressing if something makes is idiotic. But raising money and awareness for a great cause?  I mean, if you don't want to dump a bucket of ice water over your head....I have this amazing newsflash for you.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO.  The ice bucket police are not going to break down your door and detain you in a meat locker.  This is a fun way to promote a

Pros and Cons of NYC Roommates

I have been living in NYC for the last six and a half years.  I have lived in a few different places and with a number of different people.  Depending upon my desperation to find a place and my financial situation at that given time I have had both very awesome living arrangements and some.....more interesting living scenarios as well.  I figured that this is as good of a topic for a post as any...... The Pros and Cons of NYC roommates: Pros: 1. Expenses.  For the amount I spent per month on my studio apartment on the UES I could have owned a 3 bedroom, two bath with an in ground pool in Indianapolis.  With roommates I can afford a place in a lovely neighborhood, that's safe, and I don't have to donate blood twice a month to do so. 2. It's sort of nice to have people around.  Living alone can be quite lonesome.  Not that I want a roommate who wants to have long, in depth discussions about life and loss, but a quick chat about our upcoming fantasy football drafts is

Gonna Get Real Creepy

I have heard some funny ones in my time, but recently I think I heard the single best description of how one might act on a Saturday night when at the Jersey Shore. And I quote, "I'm gonna get real creepy on Saturday night bro."   I mean, that is just Jersey Shore gold right there ladies and gentlemen.  GOLD.  I know the person who cast the show Jersey Shore and I think she would have probably taken a good hard look at that line and incorporating it into the show.  You would have to.  That could actually be a new thing in pop culture.  Gonna get REAL creepy tonight.  So many places to go with this.   I may use that line when I am out some night. Me to some girl: Hi, I'm Andrew Some girl: Oh, hello. Me: Wanna get creepy tonight? The places that could go.  That is almost better than the Polar Bear pick-up line (almost).   I challenge everyone out there to get "real creepy tonight" because you only live once #yolo (oh, how funny I

A MacBook named Wilson

I purchased a new computer.  It is very nice.  I will name it Wilson.  Things named Wilson tend to be pretty solid.  Wilson's are not flashy, but they get the job done. Which, for my new MacBook Air is really all I am looking for.  That and it is light.  Wilson's are light.  And sturdy.  Sturdy old Wilson.   Boy, was this thing expensive.  I am going to yell each and every time I see an Apple commercial -  you caused my computer to cost an additional $350 because of your inflated marketing/advertising budget.   But it was time.  My old computer is five years old and no longer connected to the internet.  So that was a problem.  I am pretty sure that a laptop that does not connect to the internet is a modern day paperweight.  Or is there a more technically relevant analogy?  Whatever it is, the thing no longer had any true value other than document storage.   I am looking at my now retired laptop, a Toshiba without a name, and scoffing at it.  I mean, the thing is junk.  P