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Showing posts from May, 2014

Clocks, Sox, Locks

I cannot and I mean CANNOT stand clocks that tick.  They drive me nuts.  I am near certain that's the basis of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Telltale Heart".  He couldn't stand the ticking of all of those old clocks.  So he wrote a vivid story about madness due to clocks.  And then he got sick and died.  The moral of the story: don't have clocks that tick or you will go mad and die. At least, that's what I think. Boy the Red Sox sure are good this year.  Longest losing streak in 13 years...and counting.  Though I will say this.  Three World Series in a decade....I guess a couple of off years make the good ones all the sweeter.  And's still May and the AL East sucks this year.  We still have a shot (If the team get remarkably better and fast) I bumped into an old high school buddy on the train yesterday.  Amazing the things you catch up on.  People you used to know, good news (kids, weddings, success), bad news (those who have passed or had mi

Donald Sterling. Michael Sam. Clay Aiken.

People in the news: 1. Donald Sterling.  It is unAmerican to force an 80 year old man from his business for having a conversation with his 30 year old girlfriend where he voices less than appropriate views on with whom she spends her time.  Frankly, it is a relationship matter and none of my business.  I don't care.  There are people out there with views you won't agree with in life.  So don't patronize their business.  Don't work for them.  Don't be their friend.  But to strip a person of a business because of things that are said.  Not cool.  I am sure we have all had conversations in private where we would be mortified if the content were ever aired on TMZ.  Also, if you think that chick (Donald Sterling's girlfriend)  doesn't have a reality show in the next two months you are kidding yourself. 2. Michael Sam.  I am highly amused at how small minded people can be around a person being gay.  Maybe he will be a great football player, probably not.  Seem

2013 NYC Marathon Recap

The New York City Marathon 2013 - as told by Andrew Goodnow Marathon morning began at 4:45 with the prompt hitting of the snooze button and even prompter realization that I should probably get my ass up.  Instead I split the difference and stayed in bed and put my legs up against the wall until 5 am when it was time to take a shower.  A very hot one as to loosen up all of those running muscles.  The muscles which up to that morning weren't really used for a lot of running. In perhaps the only bit of true preparation I did in this marathon process I had all of my clothing, nutrition, and accessories (nipple protectors, hand warmers, head/ear band) laid out.  Getting dressed was relatively easy and I am proud to say that I did not forget anything.  Ate a cliff bar and had a gatorade for breakfast. So as a side note I put lettering on my shirt with my name on the front "Goodnow" and  "Read - My Sober Year" on the back (that is the title of the book I wrote.)

ABC News: I Want Real News

I sometimes wonder who is in charge of sending push notifications for ABC News.  This morning the push notification that I received (the notification that I expect to be so important as to pop up on my phone and grabbing my very valuable attention) read the following: Watch Live: Sean "Diddy" Combs delivers commencement speech at Howard University  The fuck do I care about that?  Are you joking?  The only people who care about "Diddy" (and really? Diddy?  The man has had more names than Jackie O) giving that speech are  a) people who went to Howard  b) fans of late 90's rap End of list.  Does ABC News really think that there are so many people out there that will tune into "Diddy"giving life advice?  Does ABC News think it is prudent to send a notification that pertains to only 0.004% of the population?   Due to ABC News being so desperate in their need to send me push notifications I have decided to write a list of events and

Free Money, Begging on the Subway, Don Draper as a Rented Mule

I find money everywhere.  It's a new thing.  If I see a penny on the ground, I pick it up and I put it in my pocket.  Last week I cashed in all of the money I have found since the beginning of the year.....$18.72.  That is just picking up money when I see it lying on the street.  Yesterday I even found a 2 Euro coin.  BOOM.  That's like $2.62. I am amazed at how many people beg for money.  I am more amazed at how many people give it to them.  The same woman asks for money everyday on the train.  She is always changing the story.  Some days she was beaten by her husband.  Other days she lost her job.  Some days she is in a shelter.  Some days her house has burnt down.  Some days her husband lost his job.  Some days she's just trying to collect enough money to get home.    She looks pretty good.  I think she makes a pretty decent living.  A LOT of people give her money.  She has a decent elevator speech nailed down.  She'd probably make a decent presenter for a large co