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Showing posts from December, 2017

Hiking Adventures and Imaginary Bears

I went hiking today.  Love hiking.  Cleansing.  Peaceful.  Gets me in touch with nature.  I still get cell service.  It's great.  I'm a real outdoors kind of guy.  I even have an LL Bean backpack. So I'm blazing a trail through the well groomed trails of Austin's Green Belt and a few interesting things happened today.  Let's review - 1. It is a Sunday.  Typically I would be somewhere watching football, but today I opted out for the following reasons: a) The product just isn't that great b) I've lost a significant amount of interest in football in the past two years c) You don't get to a BMI of 28.6 by not being active on a daily basis. d) My fantasy football team decided that they were going to take a knee....during their games. 2. I walked past a guy who wasn't just wearing cologne.  He had bathed in it.  I could smell him for a solid 30 yards down the trial.  Who is he trying to impress?  The coyotes? 3.  There are coyotes where I hike.