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Showing posts from June, 2015

National Running Day

I haven't been running much as of late.  The cause: plantar facsilitis.  It isn't that I can't run, it is that I can't run pain free.  Thus I have relegated myself to riding the stationary bike and lifting (which is starting to get a tad redundant.  Also, with the lack of running in my life I am noticing my weight slowly creep up on me.  I'm not about to be asked to star as Fat Albert, but I think I would be up for the "Husky best friend" role in a movie. That said, I have been doing exercises, foam rolling, wearing a ridiculous sock to bed at night that stretches my foot (Called the Strasburg Sock), and I even went to PT to get this figured out.  Anyhow, today is National Running Day and all over my social media channels there is a barrage of "run this and run there and run the world" posts.  Not that I was motivated by this, but I is that day (much like that commercial where people of all ages, races, and genders s