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Showing posts from December, 2014

The World Around Me

Today's picture of the day: Crazy stuff going on in the world right now. I am all for opening relations with Cuba.  Frankly, I am all for cheap places to vacation, rum, and cigars.  (alright, not a huge cigar guy, but when in Havanna)  Not the worst idea to have a functional level of diplomacy with Cuba seeing how Russia is all sorts of in a funk right now.  I could see Putin plopping a few missiles 90 miles from Florida to spruce up morale in Moscow.   Friends close, enemies closer.  Rum. Cigars. North Korea.  Is that even a country?  We are allowing that province to dictate what we watch?  Get the fuck out of here.  I mean, I hate James Franco as much as the next guy, but I would prefer people have the option to not see The Interview because he is a no talent ass clown. How is the school massacre in Pakistan not a bigger deal?  It isn't even on today.  This isn't the most accurate number, but I think I saw 132 deaths.  132.  132.  132. 132.  If that h