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Showing posts from October, 2014

2014 NYC Marathon

Marathon $266 Does that seem like a lot to you?  Seems like a lot to me.  Most of it goes to the NYPD to pay cops who are getting double time to work the marathon.  So that's great.   I'm ready to run it.  Training is over.  Went well.  I am relatively uninjured.  IT bands are tight.  Calves are sore.  Stuff you would expect.   Ran my final 2.8 miles this morning.  Threw in a quick burst.   Longest run was 17 miles.  Did it in Central Park on the hills.   Did most of my training on hills so I think I am rather prepared for them.   Have a pair of shoes with only 20 miles on them.  Comfortable and with a lot of bounce.  Saucony Triumphs.  Great shoe.  Have my nutrition game plan.  Nothing new.  No dairy.  Carbs.  Low fiber.   I also have a pee plan.  yes, a pee plan.  When I stop drinking water day of so that I will not have to pee over my four plus hour run.  It is a vital part of my strategy.  VITAL.   Getting a ride to the start line with the

Homeless People Marketing

Homeless people can be rather creative. There are a whole lot of homeless folks here in NYC.  I mean, a lot.  Recently I have noticed that some of them have some pretty interesting tactics going to make some money. There is one guy who has a new sign each day I pass him.  One day it is AIDS, the next it is he is a veteran, the next day he isn't going to lie he just wants a beer.  I wonder how he comes up with his sign for the day.  Does he find that people respond differently on certain days of the week. AIDS money I Need a Beer Friday Veteran Thursday Just Need $16 to Get Home Saturday The Dog Comes First Tuesday It must work.  The guy is out there every day.  Hell, he may have a studio apartment on the Upper East Side. Then there is the girl and her boyfriend who have a  dog who just hang out on the sideway all smelly with their dog all day.  They use the dog for sympathy.  I don't buy.  Go get a job.  The dog doesn't beg, nor should you. Then the lady in


Breaking Bad never gets old. I am sick of listening to NFL players talk about domestic violence.  I don't care what their opinion is. I just don't.  At all.  Even a little tiny bit. I need new pillows.  I think I am going to go big on this.  HUGE pillows.  None of that down crap either.  Not joking.....these pillows may not fit through my front door. I alway thought I would peak at 32.....I sure hope that isn't the case. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? I want to live in Europe.  I don't know quite where, but I want to. Or.....maybe Australia. Football isn't what it was 5 years ago. I need to write more often.

Time to Occupy

So I am taking a month before the marathon to eat healthy, not drink, and train smart. Do you know what that is called?  Boring.  I am bored. So while I am bored I need to find a way to productively channel my energies....... So let's think: I could write.....that would make sense Catch up on Dexter I wish museums were open later during the week I don't want to spend much money Maybe I could build something.  I do need a dresser or shelving I am cooking more.  That's fun. Maybe a project.  A short story.  A script.  A stand up act. occupy the time.

Where Am I?

When is the last time you got good news?   Really good news that you pumped your fist and audibly said, "Yes!" It has been awhile for me.  I haven't had that "Yes!" feel in some time.  And why?  Why am I not getting that feeling?  What's missing?  What am I not quite getting out of life?   I think I am missing a sense of adventure.  A sense of importance in what I am doing day to day.   I quit my last job because I was feeling that way; though it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life, I in no way can afford to do such a drastic thing again.  And I am not saying that I want to quit my job.  I guess I am saying that I need to find a new goal.  A new objective, a sense of purpose beyond work and training for the marathon.   So what will it be?  Climbing a mountain?  Publishing a book again?  Starting my own business?  Going back to school?   I don't know.  And I think that is what is bothering my as of late. Not knowing what