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Showing posts from December, 2015
Field of Dreams is the best sports movie.  In my humble opinion. Nothing makes me happier than to see my little sister smile.   She is a cool little kid. Donald Trump is not America.  He is the 1% who has no clue what it means to struggle. I am trying to write every night. This is what I wrote. I am failing as a writer.  And I know it.

I Stopped Writing

Pete Rose makes me sad. Teachers need to realize how much their pensions cost.  Work for 30 years. Get paid for 60.  When these pension contracts were originally written life expectancy was 20 years less.  Adapt. Teachers should be paid more. Have a 401K.  No pensions. Enjoy your summers off. Rob Gronkowski is a beast with human knees. I don't want to share my FB profile with co-workers.  I yearn for the times where FB wasn't the way you got to "know" people. The Gaslight Anthem went on hiatus.  Fuck. Brian Fallon's new single doesn't suck. I haven't been sleeping well.  But you don't care.  Nor should you. The first half of the 10th episode of The Affair made me think.  A LOT. My next book needs to be ME.  I need to embrace that. My high school German teacher once said.  If at the end of your life you could count your good friends on one hand you are lucky.  Not until I got older did I realize how right he was. Always Sunny In Phil