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Showing posts from March, 2015

How Do You Lose Your Job At a Running Store? Let Me Tell You....

How do you lose your job at a running store?  Let me tell you how - it gets bought by a bigger running company.   Part of me wishes there were some epic story I could tell, but sadly no, I got laid off in the calmest and most professional of fashions. I found out that I lost my job a week ago and in that week I am near certain I have run the table of emotions. Relief - because I have known something was up at work for a  few months now and I am glad to know where I stand. Anxiety - What's next? Confusion - geez, didn't think I would be applying for unemployment benefits.  How does ObamaCare work again? Frustration - I truly liked where I worked (most days) and I was excited to be part of the company's future. Mostly I feel this sense of being marginalized.  Being told that you are not needed is unsettling.  That's been the toughest portion of this process.  Seeing a business moving on without me.  And I get the business portion.  Their company already ha