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Showing posts from February, 2015

Luminosity Says I'm Stupid

I took one of those Luminosity quizzes.  One of those brain training games.  The first step (before signing up) is to take a couple of tests to establish your baseline mental capacity.  I am approaching my mid-thrity's and I'm thinking the old brain could use some challenging.  My day to day job leads me to be creative and interact with incredible people, but getting out of that comfort zone couldn't hurt. So I take the tests.  They seem fun enough. Deciphering patterns, directing trains to their stations in a maze of tracks, adding up numbers floating in the air....seemed like different tasks my brain doesn't tackle on a daily basis. The test is completed and I submit my brain is more productive than 3% of others who have taken the test.  THREE percent.  THREE.  Bottom three percent.  As in 97% of people who took that test are more intelligent than I.  I am shocked that I am able to type the results were so low.  How can I possibly get my coffee