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Showing posts from March, 2013

The Andrew Diet

I think it is time for a cleanse of sorts.  Not talking like doing some juice fast or depriving myself of food or coffee.  Nope I'm thinking that for a short period of time...2 weeks maybe.  I am going to try a diet consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.  And of course, I get to eat Chipotle a minimum of twice a week.  What's the point of living if I can't eat Chipotle?  It would be silly. So I'm thinking coffee in the morning.  Fruits, vegetables, almonds, chicken, wine (grapes are a antioxidant rich fruit), and the occasional tortilla wrap. Doing this for a few reasons. 1. Been tired lately 2. Sleeping like crap 3. Eating too much fried and/or processed food. 4. I could lose a couple  pounds. 5. Too much wheat in my diet. 6. Want to get back into racing shape 7. Beer (as much as I love it) is rather high in calories.  A couple week break will only grow our love for each other. Should be easy.  Eliminate corn syrup, most wheat, and bee

NYC Soda Ban

The proposed soda ban in NYC is something I was on the fence about. 1. Limiting calories is a good thing. 2. Who the fuck is Bloomberg to tell me I can't drink a 24 oz Coke during a movie? 3. Obese people cost tax payers money through public support. 4. First it is my 20 oz. soda; next it is my 20 oz. beer. I don't like that slippery slope. 5. Less fat people is a good thing. 6. More skinny people is a bad thing. 7. Being healthy is good. 8. Being healthy is a choice. Hope about this.  If you want to drink your 44 oz soda.  Cool, but don't come to the government asking for them to pay for your diabetes medication.  I think that is as fair as it gets. I am glad it was overturned.  First they come for our 44 oz sodas.  Next they come for my Guinness.  I can't allow that.

Apartment Hunting - Continued

After sending out many, many emails to people about finding shelter, some of them will inevitably respond.  Some seem like a good fit.  Others....well, one young lady asked if we would be friends.  How do I know?  Maybe you do nothing but watch reality TV and cool food that smells weird.  I could tolerate that in a roommate, but a friend....I think not.   When you finally get to meet the people after working out schedules, etc.  It is a bit nerve racking.  You are in this foreign environment that might one day be your own, but for that time you are an interloper.  One of tens of people being sold the apartment as you trying to sell yourself.  Trying to be friendly, but not over the top.  Engaging, but not creepy.  Funny, but not an asshole.  Interested, but relaxed.  It sucks.   So I am still am man without a home.  Still commuting over 4 hours a day.  Which is just a great way to spend time.  So productive while jammed in between people wearing too much cologne.  I sneeze, my c

New York City Apartment Hunting

Apartment hunting in NYC is an adventure.   By adventure I mean a pure hell I don't particularly care for, but must be done. When I first moved to NYC 5 years ago I looked at a bunch of places and finally found a roommate who was perfectly suitable.  Liked sports, beer, etc.  Wasn't perfect but it was never like we had any terrible arguments.  I was living somewhat within my means with that, but when our lease expired I decided it was time to get my own place and luckily a studio apartment opened up down the hall.  Easiest move ever.  I was able to get the rent negotiated down and though it was more than I could afford I had my own place on the Upper East Side in a great neighborhood. Fast forward 3 years, I quit my job in finance and suddenly did not have one of those income things and suddenly the apartment went from being a little too expensive to plain out of my price range.  You might say I was short sighted in not lining up an income source or moving to a les