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Showing posts from February, 2013

Save the Pandas

Let's get this out in the open.  I love Pandas.  They sit around all day eating bamboo, climbing trees, rolling around........pretty much enjoying life.  I dig that.  If everyone in this world were more like a panda it would be a friendlier, fuzzier place.  But alas, we humans do not resemble the Giant Panda.  Therefore, perhaps, we need Giant Pandas to remind us of how simple life can be.   (OK, I'm only speaking for myself here, but Pandas are simply a cool animal that I enjoy going to the zoo and watching for an hour - or however long they let me stand at the Panda reserve) So that is why this news report is so very upsetting to me: The idea that we need to be putting fewer resources into the preservation of the panda species.   I have some arguments here: 1. What would you rather save?  A lizard?  Lizards are not cuddly. 2. Think about the

Just a little rambling

Some thoughts for Feb. 14, 2013...... If you are a cop you should be physically fit.  Not the guy who walked into the coffee shop just now and could not bend down to get an item from the open air cooler.  The job is to serve and protect, not eat and sit.  What is this Harlem Shake thing?  I have seen it.  I don't get it.  Looks like a flash mob on crack.  No really, it is stupid.   Harlem Stew, on the other hand, is delicious and can be found at Red Rooster in Harlem.  I really wish my parents taught me how to throw a knuckleball.  Cause I would enjoy Spring Training right now.  You know, getting paid to play a boy's game in warm weather.  So the Olympic sprinter with no legs allegedly shot his girlfriend.  You would think he would be happier, you know, overcoming all those obstacles and all.  Having a model girlfriend despite not having legs.  I should think he would treat her better.   Speaking of the Olympics - no more wrestling?  What's that all a

Valentine's Day

Oh Valentine's Day.  I am sure we can all agree that a fake holiday aimed at selling flowers, chocolate, and filling restaurants is a great idea for the economy, but a bad idea for our collective self esteem.  Who got what flower arrangement.   Do you have a date?  A day of incomplete feelings, anxiety, and loneliness.  Can you feel the love? So here is what I propose on this Cupid's day of quivers. Do something for yourself.  I'm not saying be that crazy lady in the office who sends herself flowers.  I'm not promoting insanity.  I am promoting self-promotion.  You know that New Year's resolution you left behind on January 11th?  Pick it back up.  That movie you wanted to see.  Go to the theater, alone if you must, and see it.  Hell, bring a bottle of wine with you.  Or for that matter sit at a bar and order yourself a nice glass of wine or scotch or the biggest steak on the menu and ENJOY.  Enjoy it for you.  Not because someone else is obligated to make you fe