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Showing posts from December, 2012

A Panda for Christmas

I have a little sister.  She can be, quite funny. Today she announced that she would be getting bunk beds for Christmas.  I then told her that the only thing I ever wanted for Christmas was a Panda and I never got one.  The moral being that we don't always get what we want.  She then goes to my Mom and asks "Can I have two Panda Bears for Christmas, one for me and one for my big brother." 1. That's sweet of her. 2. My Mom may need to speak with the Chinese government about obtaining her children's Christmas gifts. 3. I now have to tell my Mom that the kid needs bunk beds. Another thing.  My sister created a board game.  Yes, she is 5.  Yes, I am fairly impressed with her at the moment.  It is simple, but it makes sense and the rules are clearly defined (though she does at times move a few more spaces than allotted).  I will say this - she wins almost every time we play. Here is my favorite part of the game.  The game pieces...........all pandas.  She ref

New Blog Site

New blog site.  Wordpress deleted my account or it got hacked or who knows, but it was time for a change.  The site didn't work well for me and I found that it would delete posts on me.  So here I am.  Using yet another Google service.  I like gmail, so hopefully this works as well. There is almost nothing as infuriating as finishing a blog post of 1,000 words or more clicking "publish" and having it all go away.  It makes me feel like I was somehow violated.  Odd term, but true. So here is to new beginnings.  Hopefully a new blog home will be the first of many.